Under ett helt år samlade jag min familjs förpackningsplast. Jag har i några olika performances arbetat med plasten för att känna mängden och tyngden. En taktil och fysisk upplevelse gör att jag på nåt sätt förstår plasten på ett nytt sätt.
During one year I saved and collected my familys packaging plastics. I have worked with all that plastics in a few performances. Trying to feel the weight and grasp the amount. That gives me a tactili and physical experience that somehow makes me understand the plastics in a new way.
Hur blir man av med plasten? Performance i naturen.
Can you get rid of plastics? Will it ever disappear? Performance in nature
Can you get rid of plastics? Will it ever disappear? Performance in nature
Jag och ett års plast. Foto: Roine Magnusson
Me and one year of plastics. Photo: Roine Magnusson
Me and one year of plastics. Photo: Roine Magnusson

Här vandrar jag genom Almedalen under politikerveckan 2019.
A walk through Visby during the Almedalen political week 2019
A walk through Visby during the Almedalen political week 2019